
this is my first usefull text editor runing in terminal and displaying colors but only on linux, on Losedows this looks terible.

Version: 0.2downloaddownload source codehere. change log:
  1. new commands (delete last lines, reload, delete line (only definition in config file)).
  2. save command don't exit from program.
  3. colors (works only on unix like systems and is ugly on windows).
  4. any prompt configuration.
  5. recent files (you can load last edited files and you can set limit on recent files (50 is default)).
  6. configuration files are in specifed by user directory.
  7. linux bash start script.
  8. don't print new line after printing to terminal prompt.
Version: undefineddownload.source code not available here. change log:
  1. basic configuration.
  2. terible file editing.